Tips to beat the heat : Keeping your dogs and fur friends cool on extreme heat days

Where are you and your pups on extreme heat daysโ€ฆ?
Here are some tips to beat the heat and keep your dog and fur friends cool in summer.

As temperatures rise over the days in summer always ensure your pets stay cool and comfortable:
1. #hydrationiskey - Always have multiple fresh cool water bowls filled & in cool places around your home & yard for your fur friends to drink and cool off in on extreme heat days. Add Ice cubes to their water for extra fun. ๐ŸงŠ

2. #shadeandshelter - create shade areas in your yard for your pets to retreat to, ideally invite them inside in the air conditioning, keep blinds and curtains closed to block out the sun and heat. ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

3. #pawprotection - hot pavement, sand & soil will burn sensitive paws on your pets so walk during the cooler parts of the day either early morning or late afternoon/evening limiting strenuous activities to cooler parts of the day.
Remember if you canโ€™t walk on it bare foot neither can your dog ๐Ÿพ

4. #cooltreats - freeze dog friendly treats like plain Greek yogurt, peanut butter & fruits on lick mats. Itโ€™s a tasty treat to keep them cool and entertained whilst also stimulating their brain as they lick ๐Ÿ‘…

5. #groomingtips - regular grooming helps keep your dogs coat in top condition. Some dogs are better clipped short in the summer months but others rely on their fur for insulation so be cautious and make sure you know your breed of dogs needs โœ‚๏ธ

6. #indooorplaytime - when itโ€™s scorching outside , engage in indoor activities with your dogs like puzzle toys or hide treats around the house to give them mental stimulation whilst staying cool ๐Ÿงฉ

7. #coolingmatsandbeds - cooling mats or beds are a great investment to give your dogs a place to chill out ๐Ÿ›Œ

8. #waterplay - most dogs love water play so if you live near a river, lake, dam or beach then schedule in a early morning or late afternoon swim or invest in a kiddee pool $13 from Bunnings and fill with cool water and place in a shaded spot ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Duke Standard Groodle Pup, enjoying his early morning walk by the beach - sydney NSW

NSW Pet Registry Breeder # 600617
ABN # 51 629 634 519
